This is the place to post all your helpful hints and tips. The more experience we achieve on campus, or off, the better we can be at all of our tasks.
rob mcdonald
3/28/2011 05:16:44 am

Here is a link that is being shared about plastic recycling. Thanks Maggie!!+Mail

3/29/2011 01:54:09 pm

If you want to keep up with Austin's green scene you can subscribe to the FREE Austin EcoNewsletter. If you subscribe at, twice a week you will get a newsletter full of info about cool events, volunteer opportunities, green jobs and internships. There are also blogs with tips on everything from how to turn a t-shirt into a bag, and eco-fashion articles to policy ideas.
Check the EcoCalendar when you are looking for something fun and interesting to do. Look in the EcoDirectories for organizations, businesses that do just about everything green.

rob mcdonald
3/29/2011 11:21:56 pm

Thanks, Brandi! I am a big fan and very glad you found us. Let us know what else you might be able to help us with as we are in a very impressionable position and we are open to all the help we can get.

9/20/2011 06:48:30 am

Here's a link to some innovative things that are happening with plastic bottles and trash to be used to build schools on the cheap.


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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just a brief description. Then, post something about the Green Team in the related categories. The more we post, the more we can learn!


    January 2013
    March 2011
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